1. Advertise to LeadsLeap Members
First, you can post an ad like those below:
Your ad will be shown to our members.
Our members are
incentivized to view your ads.
I know what you're thinking...
"So, this
is just another traffic exchange or PTC program, where members click an
ad, wait for a 10-20 second countdown to lapse, then move on to another
ad to earn more credits."
No. Such a `countdown´ system is flawed.
Let me ask you, if there is a countdown, what will you do when the time is up?
Yes, you will leave!
This kind of countdown system pushes visitors away from your ad
after 10-20 seconds, instead of encouraging them to stay and learn more
about your offer.
We do it differently.
We have created a proprietary system to measure visitor surfing duration for 3rd-party links.
With this system, we know who are really surfing and how long they've surfed.
We reward members based on their surfing duration.
The longer they surf your ad, the more credits they earn.
If your offer is interesting, they are 'incentivized' to stay and find out more.
Our members include affiliate marketers, website owners, bloggers
and individuals looking for ways to make more money and get more
If they are your target audience, you wouldn't want to miss this chance to reach out to them FREE!
2. Advertise to The World
What happen is we run a PPC program.
We reward publishers and marketers to show your ads on their
websites and in their
tracking links.
Let's look at the stats...
Our ad impressions are more than
400k per day. Our ad widgets are shown in over
4,000 websites and blogs PLUS over
30,000 trackers that are shown in the most popular traffic exchanges, Paid To Click(PTC) programs, safelists, and forums.
Is this the industry you want to target?
If your answer is
YES, then we offer you
a shortcut to reach out across the entire industry.
3. Get Search Engine Traffic
One of the proven ways to get quality leads is by writing product reviews and getting traffic from the Search Engines.
LeadsLeap operates a
search engine optimized Social Review Directory .
Not any kind of content will rank well in the Search Engines.
First, LeadsLeap.com is an aged authority site.
Second, the
Social Review is a consolidated review directory, with
unique and
fresh reviews being added from time to time.
It is a great resource for people looking for
different reviews from real users.
Search Engines love our Social Review because it provides true values to their users.
4. Multiply A Few Leads Into Thousands
LeadsLeap system comes with a
10-level network builder.
Imagine if you refer
10 people to LeadsLeap and they do the same, you will have
100 extra followers at Level 2,
1000 followers at Level 3,
10000 followers at Level 4...... and
10 billion followers at level 10!
Well, that's in theory.
Realistically, it's much lower. But
still pretty explosive!
Take a look at the case studies below:

You may be wondering,
"Is this MLM?"
No, we are not.
Our 10-level network is only for leads building purpose. Our
program is free to join. Our affiliate program is a one-level affiliate
program. It's free to become an affiliate.
"Is this a safelist? Will I be flooded with tons of emails?"
We are NOT a safelist or mailer system. Members can't email members.
"Then, how do I contact my 10-levels of followers?"
We have a
unique, sustainable and annoyance-free communication system that allows you to reach out to 10 levels of your followers
This system is
more effective and
more sustainable than member-to-member email or private message.
Get Free system earns cash and traffic: