Before answering the question of "where to advertise", you must first ask yourself "Who is your target audience?" or "Who will buy your products?"
One extremely common mistake that marketers make, including myself, is
to think that the target audience is EVERYBODY. We always have a
tendency to think that our product is very good and many people will
want it. If you have a similar thinking, get ready to be disappointed.
Remember, if you are targeting everyone, you are getting no one.
Some examples of how to identify who your REAL target audience is.
Example #1 - You are promoting a forex trading system. Who is your target audience?
If you think that your target audiences are people interested in making
money online, chances are you are wrong. These people may opt-in to your
free forex ecourse, but they are not likely to buy anything from you.
Reason? Because of lack of confidence! Sales is a transfer of confidence.
It takes time for newbies to develop the confidence that they can make
money through forex trading. They may buy from you one day, but you got
to be patience enough to wait.
Your true target audiences are people who are already trading forex and want to find ways to improve their trades.
Example #2 - You are promoting a 'special tennis winning strategy'. Who is your target audience?
If you think that your target audiences are people who play tennis,
chances are you are wrong. You see, many people play tennis, but most
are not serious players.
Perhaps you should target tennis coaches and players who are going for tournaments.
Back to our original question, "where to advertise?"
LeadsLeap provides a free online advertising and marketing tools for internet marketers. Knowing the profile of our users, what do you think is the best ad to advertise? It's definitely not some Jewellery Offers or Sports Shoe Sale.
In conclusion, there are two keys to note when deciding where to advertise:
- Who are your REAL target audiences? (Always keep the question open because who you think may be your target audience may not be one!)
- Where you can find these target audiences? (Whatever the answer is, find ways to channel the traffic from there to your website.)
Identifying the right place to advertise is half the battle won. The next important factor is knowing what to advertise, which brings us to the next chapter.
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