There are many forms of online advertising but generally, we can classify them into 3 main types:
- Involuntary Advertising,
- Voluntary Advertising, and
- Incentive Advertising.
Involuntary Advertising
Involuntary Advertising refers to any advertising solution that forces prospects to look at your website involuntarily.
It includes showing your website in the form of pop-up, pop-under or
showing you site first before showing the actual site, as in the ads in
Adfly and SoManyHits.
Involuntary advertising solution is probably the most challenging form
of advertising because it is obtrusive and usually the traffic is less
Most people close those uninvited pages as soon as they see them.
Voluntary Advertising
Voluntary Advertising refers to any advertising solution where prospects make a conscious effort to visit your website.
This form of advertising includes Google Adwords, Facebook ads, banner
advertising, classified, article marketing and sponsored forum posts.
Prospects first see your ad, then click it to visit your website.
It is more targeted and the qualities of the prospects are usually better since they consciously choose to view your website.
The only problem is since it's on a voluntary basis, you may not get
much traffic to your website, not to mention conversion or sales.
Incentive Advertising
Incentive Advertising refers to any advertising solution where prospects
are rewarded to view your website. The reward may be in monetary terms,
credits or points that can be exchange for more traffic to their
This form of advertising includes paid to read email, paid to surf and traffic exchanges.
The advantage of such advertising solution is that although the
intention of the prospects are questionable, at least you get a chance
to show your offer in front of them.
As the profile of the traffic usually includes people interested in
making money, self improvement, business opportunities and traffic, if
you have a good offer that matches this interest group, you can usually
get quite a good response.
The disadvantage is the higher level of difficulty in selling to this
group of people. This means you need to be a more sophisticated
advertiser, which is what this report is all about!
is a hybrid of voluntary and incentive advertising. Although we reward
our members to click ads, members choose which ad to click based on
their own interest. Also, LeadsLeap ads are shown in thousands of
traffic exchanges and blogs. That means our advertisers will receive
traffic beyond LeadsLeap network.
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