Without it none of this online stuff works. Free content,
paid content, video content, written content, audio content…
...content, content, content, 24 hours a day.
So how are you supposed to keep up with all this demand for fresh content?
Well I want to give you 5 simple ways to come up with
content pretty effortlessly right here. Let’s do it:
One: Interview Content - One of the easiest ways to come up with easy
content is to interview someone and let them create the content for you.
You ask the questions and they provide the content. Super easy.
Two: Guest Content - A close sister of the Interview is guest content.
Here again you allow someone else to provide content for your blog
or youtube channel or product. Usually in exchange they get to pitch
their website or product, also they get the authority of appearing on
someone else’s thing. It’s a triple win. You win (free content), your
audience wins (great content from new perspective), and the guest wins
(authority, traffic).
Three: Round Up - Something that comes together really easy is
“round up” content. This is where you go onto the internet and
find 5 or 10 great articlers or videos about a specific topic and then
you talk about each one of them briefly. You also link out to the
original piece of content. Be sure to contact the original content
creator and let them know they made your list.
This will produce more shares for your content.
Four: Exploding PLR - Many people see a PLR ebook and think...
okay it’s an ebook. What they don't realize is that you can break
that ebook up into a series of articles or emails that can make
awesome sequential content that ties together. Just be sure to
get a decent ebook. You know what they say about polishing
a...er...piece of junk lol.
Five: Utilitarian List - A very easy piece of content that comes
together very quickly is something I like to call the utilitarian list.
Basically you give people a list of things that they can use in an
actionable way very easily. For example “310 Subject Lines that
are Proven to Explode Open Rates” or “50 links to positive weight
loss journey case studies.” It comes together very easily and people
get a lot of value out of it.
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