
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Studying In Order To Advance In Business

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Lots of people think that "knowing the right people" or "just getting lucky" are the only ways to get the promotion or the raise they feel they deserve. While there is a small sliver of luck when it comes to advancing in business, however, most people give this sliver far more credit than it deserves! In fact, the place where many fail in business is not in luck, but in a failure to be prepared to take advantage of (or even recognize!) their opportunity when it shows up at last. It is important that you understand the value of studying to advance in business, regardless of whether you are a small business owner, an employee at a large company, or even a manager hoping to move up higher in the ranks.

If you are a small business owner, this study should take the shape of understanding what your competitors are doing. This does not just mean that you should understand what they are doing wrong, either; take a good look at your strongest competitor and figure out what they do right!

For employees at large corporations, the struggle can be the fact that it often seems like it is impossible to get noticed. After all, there are so many other employees just like you, and it can seem completely random whether an employee's hard work gets noticed or not. This is the easiest position in which one can forget to keep studying, as it seems like all the study is yielding no dividends. The law of averages, however, states that your time will come eventually; continue to increase in knowledge and expertise regarding the corporation for which you work, and you will be prepared to seize this opportunity when it comes!

For a manager, it is very easy to sit back and forget that there is still more to achieve. But it is important that managers continue to study not only to open doors for advancement, but also to enlighten those within their charge.

Begin to devote thirty extra minutes per day to the study of your business and the businesses around you, and you will be surprised to find how much your knowledge begins to grow.

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