
Showing posts with label bitcoin training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bitcoin training. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

How to Generate Traffic Using A Facebook "Like" Button On Your Site


How to Generate Traffic Using A Facebook "Like" Button On Your Site


In the age of Web 2.0, driving traffic to your website is not

all about search engine optimization (SEO).


Part and parcel of an effective Internet marketing strategy

is to ensure that your website is also present in the realm

of social networks and media sharing.


Visitors do not only arrive at websites only through search results,

but also through links that their peers share through these social networks.


What social networking platform could be more important than Facebook

the world's largest?


With over 800 million active users, your website stands to reach a wide

variety of audience through Facebook, and sometimes all it takes is one

"Like" button in your webpages.



A Facebook "Like" button is a stamp of approval that visitors

may click when they literally like the content of your blog.


Experience with video-sharing site YouTube indicates that

visitors prefer a like-dislike system instead of a rating system

when expressing approval or disapproval for content.


Facebook modifies this model and only has "Like" buttons

that third-party content may use in their customized pages.


What makes the "Like" button extra special for Internet marketers

is its content sharing component. Visitors who click the "Like" button

automatically share the links to their Facebook profiles, which can,

in turn, be viewed by people in their respective networks.


If your content is good enough, the Facebook "Like" button serves

as a form of endorsement by the people potential visitors trust the

most--their personal contacts.


Viral blog posts are created this way.


When putting Facebook "Like" buttons in your website or your blog posts,

remember to put it in two positions: the top and the foot of a webpage or a blog post.


With the now-familiar appearance of the "Like" button,

approval and sharing should only be a click away.


SEO should still be of high importance, but you will never

go wrong with a few Facebook links here and there.


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Monday, January 03, 2022

Complete Bitcoin Profits Home Study Course

 Have you been wondering how all these average people are profiting from bitcoin?

Are you tired of all the confusing information on how crypto-currencies actually work?

Countless people just like you are in the same boat but that’s only because they don’t know the SECRETS to profiting from bitcoin.

Now you can discover the secrets, and simple steps to follow inside the "Bitcoin Profit Secrets" home study course starting right now.

With Bitcoin Profit Secrets, you are getting a step-by-step course that will teach you advanced techniques to mastering and profiting from bitcoin.

Here's what's inside:

Guide 1: What is Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency?

Guide 2: How Is The Value of Bitcoin Determined?

Guide 3: Different techniques to acquiring bitcoin.

Guide 4. Everything you need to know about Bitcoin Mining

Guide 5: Storing your Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency safely.

Guide 6: Trading and Selling your Bitcoin for profit.

Guide 7: Using Bitcoin as an investment strategy

Guide 8: Accepting and using Bitcoin in your business

Guide 9: Protect yourself against fraud and theft

Guide 10: The future of Cryptocurrency

Make sure your claim your copy right now while it's hot!


Monday, December 13, 2021

Why Your Business Needs To Start Accepting Bitcoin Payments Now


 Why Your Business Needs To Start Accepting Bitcoin Payments Now

While many businesses have already joined the Bitcoin revolution by accepting bitcoin payments, many are still hesitant to make the jump. They are afraid that with Bitcoin’s volatility, they may end up essentially giving their products or services for free. What this means is that they think they are going to get shortchanged if the price in bitcoin drops and would, therefore, lose all their profits. But this is absolutely not the case! In this article, you’ll find out exactly why you shouldn’t miss out on accepting bitcoin payments.

1 – Instant Bitcoin Conversion To Your Local Currency

Bitcoin’s volatility is a business owner’s biggest concern. But with payment gateways like BitPay and Coinbase, you can easily bypass Bitcoin’s volatility. These services will instantly convert your bitcoin payments into your local currency which you’ll receive in your bank account the following business day. This means that if your customer paid you $100 worth of bitcoins, then you’re going to get exactly $100 in your bank account.  

2 - No Chargebacks. Ever.

One of the most common things business owners hate with credit card payments is the very real threat of receiving a chargeback. Some customers are just fickle-minded and dishonest. They would file chargebacks for the smallest reasons like they’re not happy with the color they got, or they regretted the purchase, or something similar. But with bitcoin payments, you don’t need to worry about chargebacks because all bitcoin transactions, once verified by the Bitcoin network, are final and irreversible. This means those bitcoins you’ve received are yours (unless of course, you chose to have them instantly converted to dollars).

3 – No Costly Processing Fees

Credit cards are widely accepted worldwide, and merchants like receiving payments from anyone with a valid card. While credit cards are convenient, there are fees that merchants need to pay. Credit card fees can range anywhere from 3% to 4% per transaction plus another few cents for each transaction made. If you receive card payments from 99% of your customers, you’re basically paying a small fortune in credit card fees!

With bitcoin payments, the transaction fees you have to pay are nowhere near what you pay the credit card companies. In fact, the fees are practically negligible as they essentially come down to just a few thousand Satoshis (1 Satoshi = 0.00000001 bitcoin) or a few cents!

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Sunday, December 05, 2021

The 5 Advantages Bitcoin Has Over Fiat Currency



 The 5 Advantages Bitcoin Has Over Fiat Currency

Bitcoin is the first successful cryptocurrency in history, and it became successful because of the many positive merits not found in traditional or fiat currency (this is your country’s national currency). In this article, you’ll find out about five advantages Bitcoin has over fiat currency.

1 – Bitcoin Is Decentralized

Unlike fiat currency, Bitcoin is not controlled by any bank or government. No single entity controls or regulates the Bitcoin network, not even its founder Satoshi Nakamoto. Without a controlling entity, bitcoins are technically inflation-proof since no one can devalue its price by manipulating its supply. Only 21 million bitcoins will ever be mined or created, unlike fiat currency which is printed when the government sees fit to print more money.
2 – Extremely Easy To Use

Opening bank accounts is not a simple thing to do. You’d have to go to your bank, wait in line, fill out forms, submit your IDs, etc. It’s a time-consuming process. But with Bitcoin, all you need to do to get started is just create a free wallet, and that’s it! You’ll then be able to receive your first bitcoins in just a few minutes.

3 – Fast Transactions

Most banks don’t work 24/7. Instead, banks are open for business during certain hours of the day on weekdays (some banks are open on weekends, but they’re far and few in between). But with Bitcoin, you can transact with anyone, any time of the day, wherever you and the other person may be located. Your bitcoins will arrive in just a few minutes.  

4 – Highly Portable And Durable

Since bitcoins are electronic, they can’t get burned down by fire, and they’re not going to get wet in water. You can bring them anywhere with you, and they won’t even take too much space. Whether you have an online wallet, or an offline wallet, your bitcoins are easily within reach anytime you wish.

5 – No More Exorbitant Bank Fees

Bank fees are the bane of anyone who has ever done any business with a bank. You want to have a bank account to store your money in, you need to pay fees. You need to use or withdraw your money, you need to pay fees. You want to send funds to someone else, you pay bank fees. The list goes on and on. But with Bitcoin, you’re bypassing all these fees. Digital wallets are free, and transaction fees are very, very minimal.

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Thursday, December 02, 2021

Should You Trade Or Invest In Bitcoins?


 Should You Trade Or Invest In Bitcoins?

Trading and investing may sound the same, but in reality, they are as different as day and night. Trading refers to a short-term method of trying to profit from buying and selling of bitcoins while investing refers to a long-term strategy where a buyer will hold on to their bitcoins for a long time and ride out any dips in the market price.

The Bitcoin Trader

The Bitcoin trader thrives on the exciting volatility of bitcoins. They’ll try to time the market and buy bitcoins when the price dips and then they’ll wait for the price to go up before they sell their bitcoins. Trading is a high-risk game because you’re betting for the price to go up or down. Not everyone can trade, however. The most successful traders are those who have nerves of steel and can detach their emotions from their trades.

Traders don’t get scared of dips in the price because they are optimistic it’s going to go up again, sooner or later. They are looking to maximize their profits, too, so they’ll mostly invest a lump sum and buy at the lowest price they can possibly go for, and then they’ll wait until the price is high enough for them to make significant profit.

Trading takes a lot of guts. It takes a lot of thought and analysis. If you’re an emotional type of person who gets physically sick with every dip in bitcoin price, then you’re better off investing, and not trading, in bitcoins.

The Bitcoin Investor

Bitcoin investors are different from traders. They’re in it for the long haul. They’re not looking to take advantage of short-term fluctuations in the exchange rate. If the price goes down by hundreds or thousands of dollars, they’re probably going to get worried, but they’re not going to pull out their investment because they’ve already decided they’re going to hold it for the next 10, 20 or 30 years.

A wise investor will practice the dollar cost averaging method to manage risk. This means whether the price goes up or down, they’re going to buy bitcoins and hold them. This strategy is perfect for long-term investments as you’re essentially spreading the risk. Though profits may not be as significant as short-term trading, the bitcoin investor probably sleeps easier at night as they’re not worried how the charts are going to look like tomorrow or the day after.

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Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Keeping Your Bitcoins Safe: Hot Wallets vs. Cold Wallets

 Keeping Your Bitcoins Safe: Hot Wallets vs. Cold Wallets

There are basically two general types of wallets to keep your bitcoins, and other cryptocurrencies, safe. There are cold wallets and hot wallets. In this article, you’ll find out the pros and cons of each type of wallet so you can make an informed decision when choosing which wallet to go for.

Hot Wallets

Hot wallets are called hot because they are connected to the Internet which generally means it’s easier for hackers to hack into and steal your valuable coins from you. Examples of hot wallets include those free wallets at your favorite bitcoin exchange website like Coinbase or Kraken, and mobile app wallets.

Desktop wallets are another form of hot wallets especially if you install it on a system that’s connected to the Internet. However, you do have control over your private keys, and you can encrypt your wallet to prevent hacking attempts. The only downside to desktop wallets is if your computer gets destroyed or stolen, then you can pretty much say goodbye to your bitcoins.

There have been many instances of theft in hot wallets. Some hackers have even managed to steal millions of dollars’ worth of bitcoins! Hot wallets are great for storing small amounts and transacting on the fly. But if you’ve got quite a sizeable number of bitcoins, then it’s best to move these to offline storage or cold wallets.

Cold Wallets

Cold wallets are the preferred storage method of people with a significant amount of bitcoins. Examples of cold wallet include paper wallets and hardware wallets. Paper wallets may sound a bit funny at first because we’re talking about storing digital currencies here, but it’s precisely why it’s one of the best types of wallet for long-term storage! With paper wallets, there is zero chance of anyone hacking anything on paper. The downside is it can be stolen, or it can get burned, or destroyed. To keep your paper wallet safe, consider putting it in a safe environment like a safety deposit box.

The second type of cold wallet is the hardware wallet. It’s a physical offline device that’s pretty much like a glorified USB that can be plugged into your computer when you need to make a transaction.  There are three main brands that are very popular among crypto owners. These are Trezor, Ledger Nano, and KeepKey. All three will cost you some money but will definitely help keep your virtual treasure chest safe. 

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Saturday, November 27, 2021

5 Interesting Facts About Blockchain Technology

 5 Interesting Facts About Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is the technology that makes Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies very secure. It’s an open-source and distributed database that is stored in nodes or computers within the network.  When new transactions or blocks are added to the blockchain, it will automatically update itself. Here are 5 very interesting facts about this ultra-modern technology.

1 – It’s Tamper-Proof

Once an entry has been added onto the blockchain, it will be nearly impossible to remove or alter it later. If you want to alter an entry, you’d have to basically alter all the transactions that came after it. Doing this is mathematically impossible, so even genius fraudsters would have to look elsewhere to steal bitcoins without too much effort. Being tamper-proof is also the reason bitcoin payments are final and irreversible.

2 – It’s 100% Transparent

Anyone with access to the blockchain can see all the transactions that have ever occurred in the past. You can even look up the first ever block (block 0) that was mined by Bitcoin founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, in 2009. This genesis block contained the message “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.”

3 – Criminals Can’t Hide Behind The Blockchain

If criminals think they can hide behind the relative anonymity that Bitcoin provides, they’re sorely mistaken. Many have tried to evade the long arm of the law by converting their stolen loot to bitcoins and transferring them to different wallets, but with the transparent nature of the blockchain, computer experts can spot and trace all the bitcoin transactions these criminals have ever done.

4 – Blockchain Technology Is Not Limited To Cryptocurrencies

Many different startups have started to experiment with implementing blockchain technology in various industries. Once such example is Ethereum with their smart contracts technology which basically runs on blockchain. Since the blockchain is decentralized, two parties can make transactions between themselves without needing the services of a middleman. This not only saves you money, but it also saves you a lot of time and conflict.

5 – Blockchain Can Still Be Improved

While this technology has definitely improved the lives of many people, it can still be improved. For one, as time passes by, the blockchain will grow to be several hundred gigabytes of data. This will cause a lot of bandwidth and storage problems on personal computers. Let’s hope the brightest minds in the crypto space can find a solution to this predicament soon.

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