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You must become adept at adjusting to the ever-changing business culture if you want to reach the top (or, if you want to stay at the top). One of the big ways businesses can adjust is by becoming bilingual or even multilingual. A lot of companies in foreign countries have begun to make this adjustment already, with companies in non-English-speaking countries adding English as a weapon to allow them to compete in America; in the meantime, a lot of American businesses have fallen behind. For business executives, small business owners, and even regular employees in big corporations, becoming bilingual yourself can be a big benefit. For business executives, the explanation here is simple. For a business executive, the expectation is for them to be the best at what they do. Someone else is continuing to improve, even if you are not; this means that your spot at the top is not guaranteed! By adding an extra language to your arsenal, you are able to broaden the scope of your communicative powers, and are therefore able to broaden your powers overall. Furthermore, you will be able to encourage your employees to follow your lead if you take the initiative to expand your linguistic prowess, and you will also be able to communicate more effectively with a wider range of customers. Four years after a small business is birthed, there is only a 40% chance it will still be alive; ten years after a small business is birthed, the chances of it still existing are only 10%. Any edge you can give yourself over your competition is an advantage, and making your small business multilingual is a big edge! If you are just a regular old employee in a big corporation, you might think you don't have any real need to add a new language. But you would be wrong! As businesses progress to become multilingual, there will be greater opportunities for advancement among those employees who can work with more than one language than for those who cannot. The present might not yield you much fruit for your efforts, but you will surely see the payoff sometime down the road! You should now find that you are full of the necessary motivation for learning a new language; this is the first step! As for the dedication and the time you will need in order to learn a new language, it will be up to you to provide each of these.
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