
Friday, December 10, 2021

Positioning Yourself for Success


You've heard the term "pre-launch", but in reality, there's a Pre
Pre-Launch as well. This is the time where marketers planning a
launch will start building or warming up their lists, establish
relationships with key players, generate buzz, and attract
affiliates and joint venture partners so that when the launch
takes place, they already have everything lined up and ready
to go out.

PRE-PRE-LAUNCH : Focuses on attracting JV partners and
affiliates - Generates buzz - builds relationships with key
players - lays the groundwork for your launch sequence - sets
a definitive date for your launch.

PRE-LAUNCH - Generates buzz from within an existing customer
base - solidifies JV relationships - begins to circulate a
story line and heats up mailing lists and gets affiliates
motivated in preparation for full launch.

Pre-Prelaunch is extremely important because it's what forms
the foundation for a product launch, as well as helps
marketers determine what angle they should take, as well
as what their product should be about.

This is also where marketers identify market demand,
objections and use this information to refine their
information product and develop a targeted marketing
campaign prior to launch.

And this is also where YOU come in, because in order
to effectively position yourself so you can claim your
share of commissions when the launch takes place, you
need to know about it well in advance.

In fact, the easiest way to make money with big launches
is to have your system in place weeks before the launch
actually happens. That way, you not only position yourself
in the search engines for when the big day comes, but
you're given enough time to create "value enhancers"
that will draw customers to you, rather than the competition.

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