
Saturday, October 15, 2016

How To Stay Focused While Working

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

There are a surprising number of jobs that simply require a warm body in a seat - and this does not just go for jobs such as being a security guard at a building in a downtown area, but also goes for a lot of office jobs, as many such jobs have employees who spend about half their time in the office doing things that are not related to work at all. It will not especially matter how much you are able to focus when you are at work if you work at one such job, but if you work a job where you are paid for the work you do - or where your performance is tracked and weighted - you will need to learn how to focus while you are trying to get your work done; if this is the case for you, here are a few ways to make this a reality.

One mistake people often make when they are getting paid for the work they do is that they try to continue to work no matter how tired their brain gets; one of the best ways to stay focused while working is to realize that your mind has limits, and when you figure out what these limits are, you will know how long you can work before you need a break – and you can work to gradually increase the amount of “good work time" you have.

Another thing that can help people focus while they're working is finding a good spot that works for them; figure out the atmosphere that works best for your work, and find spots that fit this criteria – and as you find more spots, you can even rotate which spots you use, so that you will always be able to work in an area that works for you!

And the key that tops all the others when it comes to staying focused while working is this: strengthen your resolve – simply deciding that you will not get distracted by other things; when you work at your computer, especially if you work online, it can be easy to become distracted, but when you strengthen your resolve, defeating one distraction at a time, you will soon find that you are working a whole lot better!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Tips For Dealing With An Upset Customer In Person

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

If you work at a job where you rarely deal with customers - and where, if you do deal with customers, it is usually through email or over the phone - you will not have to worry about one of the things that is among the biggest concerns of people in the opposite position: dealing with an upset customer in person. When it comes to dealing with an upset customer in person, it is not that you have necessarily done anything wrong that makes it such a frustration - but in fact, the fact that you have probably done nothing wrong heightens the frustration, as the customer will often treat you as though you have done something wrong; for this reason, knowing how deal with an upset customer in person can be extremely valuable, as it can lessen the strain these encounters put on you.

The first thing the customer will want to know is that you are on their side, as they will assume you are "against them" if you are not "for them"; even if you actually disagree with their complaint, you should always be understanding and create an image of agreement, as this will cause them to feel like you are their ally rather than their enemy - which, of course, will prevent them from turning their attack to you.

Once the boundaries of the discussion have been established in such a way that they feel you are on their side, you can take the next step, which is offering solutions; it may turn out that the person with whom you are dealing is inconsolable, but at least - in taking this approach - you can try to solve the problem on your own.

When it comes to dealing with an upset customer in person, however, there will be times when you will not be able to solve the problem on your own; if you find yourself in this position, remember that there is always someone above you to whom you can pass this customer along - which is what you will sometimes have to do, as many customers in this position simply remain upset until they get the satisfaction of talking to someone's "superior"!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tips For Managing Upset Customers

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

When you run a business, one of the keys to reaching success will be making sure that you know how to manage customers who are upset, or who have a complaint about the way they have been handled by you, your employees, or your company. When an upset customer has a legitimate complaint, they can ruin a lot of business for you if they share their complaints with others, but when you are able to fix a situation with an upset customer, they will often be so impressed with the way you handled things that they will end up sending more customers your way!

Regardless of whether you feel their complaint is legitimate or not, the first thing you need to do is to acknowledge the problem; when you acknowledge that their complaint and convey that you understand the complaint, you will be on the right path to making the situation better.

Secondly, you should start taking steps to resolve the problem - but the mistake that many people make when trying to resolve a problem with a customer is that they allow the customer to dictate the terms of the resolution. Remaining helpful while keeping the power in your hands is a delicate balance, but this is an importance balance to maintain - otherwise, you may end up with a customer who is not satisfied no matter what you do.

And lastly, recognize the fact that there actually will be customers who you will never be able to satisfy; these are the customers who tend to complain with every company they deal with, and the best way to deal with such customers is to do the best you can and then send them on their way!

Managing upset customers is not always easy, but it is one of the most important aspects of keeping your business in good shape - and when you can start to do this effectively, you will maximize the positive news that customers spread about your company.