
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tips For Managing Upset Customers

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

When you run a business, one of the keys to reaching success will be making sure that you know how to manage customers who are upset, or who have a complaint about the way they have been handled by you, your employees, or your company. When an upset customer has a legitimate complaint, they can ruin a lot of business for you if they share their complaints with others, but when you are able to fix a situation with an upset customer, they will often be so impressed with the way you handled things that they will end up sending more customers your way!

Regardless of whether you feel their complaint is legitimate or not, the first thing you need to do is to acknowledge the problem; when you acknowledge that their complaint and convey that you understand the complaint, you will be on the right path to making the situation better.

Secondly, you should start taking steps to resolve the problem - but the mistake that many people make when trying to resolve a problem with a customer is that they allow the customer to dictate the terms of the resolution. Remaining helpful while keeping the power in your hands is a delicate balance, but this is an importance balance to maintain - otherwise, you may end up with a customer who is not satisfied no matter what you do.

And lastly, recognize the fact that there actually will be customers who you will never be able to satisfy; these are the customers who tend to complain with every company they deal with, and the best way to deal with such customers is to do the best you can and then send them on their way!

Managing upset customers is not always easy, but it is one of the most important aspects of keeping your business in good shape - and when you can start to do this effectively, you will maximize the positive news that customers spread about your company.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Completing A Long-Term Project More Easily By Tracking Your Progress

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

Regardless of whether you are a high school student, a college student, or a full-time employee at a desk job, one of the most difficult things can be working on a long-term project that requires a lot of work, as it can make it difficult to complete a project when you are unable to see your progress. It can feel like a project is never going to end when you are working on it over an extended period; one way to counteract this feeling is by keeping track of your progress as you make your way through a project.

The first thing you need to do in order to track your progress throughout the duration of a project is to devise a step-by-step plan of how you will approach the project; this will give you a framework from which you can work, figuring out how much work you need to do at each point in time.

As you start moving through the project, you can fill in notes regarding your work on each section of the project; not only will these notes help you see how far along in the project you have come, but they will also give you a detailed breakdown of how much work you have done.

Once you finish each distinct section, you will be able to cross that section off your list, which will allow you see how many sections you started out with and how many you still have left to complete.

Discipline will, of course, be an important aspect of the project when it comes to a long-term project, as you can come up with all the "plans" and "charts" you want, but this will mean nothing if you are not maintaining discipline to work on the project as time passes. As long as you are able to focus on a long-term project from an early point - keeping track of your progress as you make your way through it - you should be able to avoid stress while completing any project in a timely manner!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How To Make Your Website Easy To Use

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

Regardless of whether you are running a website as a means to promote your business, or as a way in which you can try to make a bit of extra money, one important thing will be that you are making sure to pay attention to the principles of search engine optimization; at the same time, however, it is easy to become so wrapped up in your search engine optimization efforts that you forget about all the other things about running a website that are important - including making your website easy to use!

In making your website easy to use, the first thing you should focus on is making it easy for your readers to share your site with others; when you include links throughout your site that make it easy for people to share content through such areas as Twitter, Digg, Google Plus, and facebook, you will increase the backlinks you create, and will increase the traffic that comes your way as well!

As you attempt to make your website easy to use, the next thing that will be important for you to focus on is making it easy for people to navigate your site; on your site, you should include a search bar that enables people to search for specific content on your site, and categorize your posts in such a way that it will be easy for visitors to seek out something specific.

And in making your website "easy" for users, perhaps the most important thing of all you can do is make it easy for your visitors to get lost in your site; when you include plenty of links within the content of each post you write, readers will click on these links, and continue sinking deeper and deeper into your site! And it just about goes without saying that the deeper a reader goes into your site (and the more time they spend on your site), the more likely they are to return to your site again and again - and to bring others with them as well!