
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How To Run A Company From Your Home

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

These days, the internet makes it entirely possible for people to fulfill their dream of owning a small business and working from home. But for each person who chases this dream successfully, hundreds of others try to chase this dream and fail miserably. Here are a few things for you to keep in mind as you get started if you want to run a small business out of your own home.

1) What: Asking yourself what you will sell or provide is the first step to running a successful business from your home, as it will help you gain your identity. A lot of people fail because, at the beginning, they try to do far too much. Instead, you should figure out what you want to specialize in selling or providing, and as you become successful with this, you can expand from there. Furthermore, having a concrete understanding of exactly what it is you sell or provide will allow customers to gain a concrete understanding of what they are coming to you for.

2) Where: People often overlook this one, as the internet makes them feel like they can do business anywhere and everywhere! Your best strategy, when you get started yourself, is to remember that there is only so much you can do as one person, and it is best to grow a concentrated following in a small area and grow from there. Take the time to understand exactly where you want to operate early on, before you ever get started; in this way, you will be able to gain traction.

3) How: How is "make or break" item, as lots of people fall short by having no clue how they will operate. If someone does not know how their operation will be run, they will fail, even if they have a great product or idea. The two "How"s to know are A) How will I get the word out there about my company, and B) How will I run my operation?

Make sure you know your What, Where, and How before you ever get started with your business, and you will not only be able to run a business out of your house, you will be able to run a successful business!

How to Market a Business Utilizing Facebook

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

The social media site Facebook has reached a popularity status attained by few. Around the world there are no more than 500 million active users of the site. An active user is one that uses the website on a consistent basis to connect with friends. This means that there is an absolutely massive audience available for every kind of business. The methods that Facebook allows for when marketing have not been afforded to businesses in the past. If your business isn’t taking advantage of them, then it is badly missing out.

There are however many difficulties that marketing on Facebook has proven to present to businesses. In what ways do most businesses market on Facebook? This is just one question of many that don’t have solid answers. There isn't a set blue print to marketing for a website like Facebook that is this relatively new. A lot of people don't like this about the site, but it offers some very unique opportunities in reality.

There is no set way to market on Facebook so a business owner can experiment to find the best way. Once they find an effective way to promote they won’t be competing with thousands of other businesses promoting in the same way. Instead they will be able to use a method they developed on their own to make sure their business is successful. Targeting the audience they desire to attract is the only way to stay successful in the long run though.

Letting new opportunities pass by your business is a mistake. Although many older methods are considered tried and true, many of them have run their course. The fact that almost every business uses them doesn't make them the best choice. Any marketing expert will attest that the best way to market your business is through a method no one else has used. Using Facebook to market isn’t brand new, but it hasn’t been around long enough to be exploited. Gather new clients in new ways so your business can stay ahead of the curve the rest are on!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Exploring Three SEO Tips You Might Not Have Thought Of

Your 2016 years earning plan: STEP -BY-STEP

When you are working on search engine optimization within the content of your website, paying attention to all the little things you can do that will help will be one thing that will be important; while most of your competition will be paying attention to the big things, adding these little things to your repertoire of SEO tricks will go a long way in setting your site apart - and bringing you extra traffic as a result.

One thing that you need to realize is your site will probably rank a lot more highly if search engines are "crawling" your site on a regular basis, and it is not very likely that search engines will crawl your site on a regular basis if you are never adding new content; if your site does not "have a reason" to add new content at least three times per week, consider adding a blog section to your site, and update this at least three days a week in order to increase your crawl frequency.

Another thing that will help your site is for you to share link juice with yourself; typically, when you think of link juice, you will think of the links you are giving to other sites, and the links they are giving to you, but you can also spread link juice throughout your own site - linking to certain posts or sections throughout your site.

And finally, realize that writing off-site articles, and submitting these articles to article databases, will help you in two ways: firstly, you will create an opportunity to gain new traffic through people clicking on the links in these articles, and secondly, you will increase your search engine ranking through the backlinks these articles create.

Regardless of whether you are running a website in order to promote your business or as a means to maybe make some money through the website itself, make sure you are always keeping your eyes open for the "little things" your competitors are missing - and take advantage of these as a way to gain an edge in the long run.