
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Plant Propagation

The truth about making money from home

Have you ever looked around your neighborhood and drooled over the wonderful plants your neighbors have growing only to feel upset that you can’t afford to do the same? With a little know how and time, you can achieve the same landscaping. A number of garden plants are easily propagated cheaply once you know what you are doing. In a short amount of time and with one or two plants you can turn them into an entire garden.

You can propagate plants in a number of ways depending on the type. Some plants are easy to propagate such as sedum, day lillies, and hostas. Simply dig wide of the plant to save as much roots as posible and remove it in clumps. After the clump is dug out. Wipe down the blade of your shovel with a 10% bleach solution. This helps to not introduce bacteria or viruses that may be carried on your shovel when diving the plant. It is as simple as chopping through the center of the plant bunch in order to divide it in two. Then replant each bunch and make sure to water it well for the next two weeks. It is actually very important to divide perennials often to keep them healthy.

Plants like coleus, and herbs can be rooted from cuttings. Before cutting the plant make sure you again soak your tools in a 10% bleach solution. Baby food jars are a great container to use to root cuttings. Then fill the jars with vermiculite and water until the vermiculite is moist. Cut a fourth of an inch below where the second set of leaves attach to the stem. Remove the set of leaves and dip the new cut end into the rooting compound. Then carefully plant the cutting into the vermiculite. It should start to root within the next couple weeks. Make sure you keep your vermiculite moist but not overly soaking.

Gardeners guide to propagation is a great book to learn more about plant propagation.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is Eating On A Schedule Necessary?

The truth about making money from home

One thing that is odd is the fact that a lot of the advice you will find on “the right foods to eat,” or “the right ways to eat” conflict with one another, which often muddles the whole issue of knowing what to eat and when to eat; one aspect of this that especially tends to give people problems is whether or not it is good to eat on a schedule, and while some people and sources will tell you that eating on a schedule is good, and while others will tell you that eating on a schedule is bad, the true answer is: it all depends!

One thing that is absolutely true is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as breakfast will enable your body to start working, and to have energy heading into the day; this means that whether you are hungry or not when you wake up in the morning, you should always take the time and make the effort to get a good, healthy breakfast into your body before you start your day.

It is certainly good to eat regularly in the rest of the day as well, but one thing to realize is that your body will often have cravings when it does not truly need food if you consume a fair amount of grains and sugars; because of this, it is important to have a set eating plan – as far as the times of day when you will typically aim to eat – if you regularly consume a fair amount of grains and sugars, as this will keep you from giving into your cravings, and will enable you to be much healthier as a result.

On the other hand, if you tend to avoid grains and sugars for the most part, your body will also experience far fewer cravings, and will instead “tell you” when it needs food; if you avoid grains and sugars in your regular diet, you can pretty much avoid the whole “eating on a schedule” thing, and can instead listen to your body, putting food into it when you feel hungry, and not putting food into it when you are not particularly in the mood for food.

Healthy eating is a complicated and sometimes confusing thing to understand, but with this information in mind, you will at least know whether you should be eating on a schedule, or can instead simply listen to what your body is saying.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Exploring The Movie Capote

The truth about making money from home

If you are a fan of literature, or if you are a fan of great movies, or if you are simply interested in watching as many different movies as you can, one movie that will be especially great for you to add to your list is the movie Capote.

Near the very end of 1959 (both in real life, and in the movie), in an otherwise unremarkable town in Kansas, a brutal - and seemingly inexplicable - quadruple murder occurred, and Truman Capote (who at the time was one of the most well-known writers in America, having published Breakfast at Tiffanys and become friends with every significant celebrity of the time) decided to travel to the town to write a story for The New Yorker about the killings and the effect they had on the town. Shortly after Capote arrived in the town, however (along with Harper Lee - who Capote grew up with, and who would soon publish the enduring classic To Kill A Mockingbird), he realized that he needed more space for the story than The New Yorker would allow; he needed to write a book.

The movie Capote follows the author (played by Philip Seymour Hoffman - who won a Best Actor Oscar for playing the enigmatic Capote) as he dives into both the town and the story - with the movie really taking on life when the killers are caught, and when Capote forms a close bond with one of the two men who conducted this brutal slaying of an innocent and unarmed family.

This movie is not only remarkable for its story - which is, in itself, a masterful depiction of the writing of one of the most significant works in the history of American literature - but it is also remarkable for the cinematography, the directing, and most of all the acting. Even if you are not a fan of literature, you will surely enjoy watching Philip Seymour Hoffman control the screen in an incredibly demanding role; and of course, if you are a fan of literature, you will love watching Capote to see the story of the writing of In Cold Blood - one of the most important works of literature to ever come out of the American landscape.