
Friday, December 12, 2014

Trending Upward At Your Job


One thing that can be frustrating is when you spend a lot of time working at your job, but feel that you are not getting the recognition that you deserve for all the hard work you are putting in, and perhaps the worst thing of all about feeling this way is that it can seem like there is really nothing you can do to improve the situation. There are a few specific things you can keep in mind if you have ever experienced this feeling of under-appreciation at your job, starting with the concept that you should look at your job (and your job performance) the same way you would look at stock, realizing that if you are not trending upward, this means that you are trending down.

When it comes to to making sure that you are always feeling like you are trending upward at your job, the first step is to always take care of the duties you are supposed to be taking care of - which means, you should pay close attention to the things that are expected of you, and you should do everything you can to get these things taken care of.

The next step for making sure you are always trending upward at your job, after you have made sure you are always taking care of your responsibilities, is for you to also do your best to go over and above what is expected of you; instead of simply taking care of your duties, also take care of them so well that the people above you notice!

And not only should you focus on going over and above with the things that are expected of you, but you should also focus on finding other things on which you can go over and above - looking for things that are not "expected" of you, but that will nevertheless be beneficial for you to do.

When you place an emphasis on these three areas - making sure you are always doing what is expected of you, doing a better job at these things than expected, and looking for things you can do that are not expected of you - you will be taking steps to ensure upward movement at your job, both in your performance, and in the rewards you reap!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Making Your Website Easy To Use


Regardless of whether you are running a website as a means to promote your business, or as a way in which you can try to make a bit of extra money, one important thing will be that you are making sure to pay attention to the principles of search engine optimization; at the same time, however, it is easy to become so wrapped up in your search engine optimization efforts that you forget about all the other things about running a website that are important - including making your website easy to use!

In making your website easy to use, the first thing you should focus on is providing an easy way for your readers to share your site with others; when you include links throughout your site that make it easy for people to share content through such areas as Twitter, Digg, Google Plus, and facebook, you will increase the backlinks you create, and will increase the traffic that comes your way as well!

As you attempt to make your website easy to use, the next thing that will be important for you to focus on is making it easy for people to navigate your site; on your site, you should include a search bar that enables people to search for specific content on your site, and categorize your posts in such a way that it will be easy for visitors to seek out something specific.

And in making your website "easy" for users, perhaps the most important thing of all you can do is make it easy for your visitors to get lost in your site; when you include plenty of links within the content of each post you write, readers will click on these links, and continue sinking deeper and deeper into your site! And it just about goes without saying that the deeper a reader goes into your site (and the more time they spend on your site), the more likely they are to keep on coming back to your site over and over again - and to bring others with them as well!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tips For Getting Hits On Your YouTube Videos


There are a number of ways in which people use YouTube, ranging from using it for fun, or to try to get famous, or even for their business. Regardless of how you are using YouTube, it is a relatively useless tool if the videos you are posting are not getting any hits! Especially if you are using YouTube in order to promote your business, it is important to know how to get hits on your video.

Of course, in order for a YouTube video to get hits, it must be something that people will share with others. This is the magic of YouTube - the fact that a video can be posted only once, but that other people can spread it around until it has been seen all over. One of the keys to making videos that people will spread around is making videos that are actually relevant. This does not meant that you need to be inauthentic or "hip" in some way in your videos; it just means your videos need to be something people care about! If you are using YouTube for your business, this can be as simple as making a video about a promotion, or making a video with a message to your customers.

Of course, it certainly will not hurt for your video to be funny - after all, funny videos get spread around much more quickly! Short videos also tend to do better than long ones - and even though this can be difficult to stick to, it is also important. Short videos are much easier to watch, and with them it is much easier to leave your viewers wanting more. And leaving your viewers wanting more is another one of the biggest keys; if you do this, they are much more likely to want to watch the video again and again.

Those companies who have figured out how to use YouTube effectively have discovered that it can be a huge benefit. And you will be well on your way to employing YouTube in an effective manner yourself, once you begin to follow these tips.