
Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Tips For Avoiding Bad Neighbors On Your Website


When you hear the term "bad neighbors," you are likely to think about those people who live next door to you and play their music as loudly as possible late at night, or run their motorcycle in their driveway early in the morning, but when it comes to your website, there is such a thing as "bad neighbors" as well - and as annoying as those bad neighbors in real life can be, the bad neighbors of your website can hurt you a whole lot more, as it is search engines who determine what to do about your bad neighbors!

Beyond the basic SEO factors that most people tend to focus on, there are a lot of more complicated things involved, and one of these things is the "neighbors" you are creating; search engines determine your neighbors to be those sites you are linking to, and (to a lesser extent) those sites that are linking to you, and this can actually have a much bigger impact on your search engine ranking than you might have realized.

If you want to keep from creating bad neighbors, it will be important that you stay away from linking to any sites that are unrelated to yours (for instance: if you have a site that deals with car parts, do not link to a site that is centered around selling children's toys!), and you will want to avoid any sites that search engines are likely to view as disreputable - such as sites that contain malware, pop-ups, adult content, offensive content, gambling, or just about any other unsavory activity.

Of course, it is easy enough to avoid linking to bad sites once you realize that this is important, but one thing that is more difficult (in fact, that can be practically impossible!) is making sure that negative sites are not linking to you! Of course, search engines don't give much weight to this, as you would then be able to create negative sites and use them to link to your competitors, thus dragging down their rankings, but they do give a bit of weight to this - so in addition to making sure you are linking to good sites, make sure (as best you can!) that the sites linking to you are also good, and in this way you can ensure that you have good online neighbors.

Using Study To Advance In Business


Lots of people think that "knowing the right people" or "just getting lucky" are the only ways to get the promotion or the raise they feel they deserve. While there is a small sliver of luck when it comes to advancing in business, however, most people give this sliver far more credit than it deserves! The mistake many people make in business actually has nothing to do with luck; it is simply a misstep of failing to be prepared to take advantage of (or to even recognize!) their opportunity when it arises. Whether you are a small business owner, an employee at a large company, or even a manager hoping to move up higher in the ranks, it is important that you understand the value of studying to advance in business.

For small business owners, this study should take the form of understanding what their competitors are doing. This does not just mean that you should understand what they are doing wrong, either; take a good look at your strongest competitor and figure out what they do right!

If you are an employee in a large corporation, it can often feel as though it is impossible to ever get noticed. With so many employees who are just like you in so many ways, it can seem absolutely random whether an employee's hard work gets rewarded or not. If you are an employee in this position, it can seem like all your studying is getting you nowhere at all. But if you continue to increase in knowledge and expertise regarding the corporation for which you work, you will be prepared to seize your opportunity when it comes - and the law of averages holds that this opportunity will come in time!

It is very easy for managers to sit back and forget that there is still more to accomplish. But as a manager, it is important that you not only continue to study to open up doors for advancement, but that you also study in order to enlighten those in your charge!

Begin to study your business and the businesses around you; it only takes thirty minutes of study each day, and you will begin to grow and to become prepared to seize your opportunity when it comes along at last.

Monday, December 08, 2014

Making Your Blog Look Good


There are lots of different reasons why you might choose to start a blog, ranging from starting a blog for personal use, as a promotional tool for your business, or even just as a means to connect with and interact with others; regardless of the purpose behind your blog, however, it will not be much use to you if no one is reading it – and one thing you should realize about a blog is that it is unlikely to keep many readers if the blog itself is an eyesore, even if the content on the blog itself is great!

The first thing you will want to pay attention to when you are trying to make sure your blog looks good is the color scheme you are choosing; a lot of people make the mistake of picking out colors that are too harsh or too dark, which puts the reader in a position where they have to strain their eyes just to look at the page, and many of these people will end up going elsewhere for their blog reading so that their eyes will not hurt so much!

Another thing that can cause people's eyes to hurt or get tired, and can therefore cause these people to simply head elsewhere, is font that is too small or too difficult to read; when picking the font for your website, go with something that people are used to seeing, and make sure you are also keeping this font large enough that people who maybe do not have perfect eyesight will still have no problem reading it.

And of course, having plenty of space that is not covered by text is one thing that will be appealing on a website; leave plenty of white space on your site, and also sprinkle some pictures and other forms of media across your site, as this will keep the site from appearing so overwhelming that no one wants to try to tackle it!

As you set up your website with these tips in mind, making sure that your website is both easy to look at and easy to enjoy, it will be much easier for you to grow the readership on your site, and to experience all the success and benefits that come with this!