
Monday, January 06, 2014

SEO: Hiring Out Versus Going It Alone

If you have a website for your business, you have probably come to realize how important it will be for you to boost this website's online visibility (after all, you are unlikely to get a lot of visitors to your site if no one knows that your site exists in the first place!), but while this might seem like a straightforward issue, there are a couple complications that come into play when you are trying to boost your website's profile: namely, whether it is better to do this yourself, or to hire someone else.

While it would be great if there were an across-the-board answer to solve this problem, the truth is that the answer to this question will be different for every different company.

SEO (which stands for "search engine optimization") is the process of causing your website to appeal to search engines - and there are actually people who are "SEO experts," and who make a living doing SEO work for different websites; the good news about hiring one such expert, of course, is that they are able to quickly carry your website to the top of search engine rankings pages, but the bad news is that they often charge an arm and a leg to do so!

When trying to figure out whether or not you should hire someone to do your SEO work, the main thing you need to determine is which is more valuable for you: your time or your money. For some people, it will be worth the money they save for them to study up on SEO themselves, and to build their website on their own; on the other hand, there will be those who will lose more money in the amount of time it takes them to learn and implement all this stuff than the money they would pay someone else to do it - in which case, it is well worth hiring out!

Of course, it doesn't really matter how you get to the desired end result (that is, a website that ranks highly on search engines) so much as it matters that you get there somehow - but with this knowledge, you will be able to decide whether you want to get there on your own or hire someone else to help.

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Sunday, January 05, 2014

Exploring The Four Most Important On-Page Ranking Factors

When you are working on search engine optimization efforts for your website, you will want to be focusing your efforts on both your on-page and off-page ranking factors; of course, each is as important as the other, but because of the fact that on-page ranking factors give you more control, this is the best (and most natural!) place to start for exploring the things you will want to do.

When it comes to the on-page ranking factors on your site, the first thing you will want to look at is your text, as your text will be a big part of where search engines end up ranking you; firstly, it will be within your text that you put your keywords - which are a big part of the way search engines see your website - and secondly, readers will read your text, and they will be more likely to share it with others (and to keep returning themselves) if it is good!

When it comes to the work you are doing within your own website, the next thing you will want to focus on is your headings and subheads; this might seem like something you can push to the side, but realize that search engines use these tags to determine what your site contains, and to determine the order of importance of your content, so taking advantage of these will help you quite a bit!

Another thing worth paying attention to on your website is the text used in your navigation menus; rather than labeling different pages as "Page 1," "Page2," and so on, label your pages with descriptive keywords, as this will help visitors and search engines alike.

And finally, one of the most important things of all on your website (and one of the most often overlooked aspects of search engine optimization) will be the tags that readers do not see, but that search engines do; take the time to properly apply everything from image tags to title tags to meta description tags, as all of these things will go a long way in positively influencing your search engine ranking!

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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Making Your Website Easy To Use

When you are running a website - regardless of whether you have this website in order to promote your business, or in order to try to make a bit of extra money - one thing that will be important is that you pay attention to the principles of search engine optimization; at the same time, however, it is easy to become so wrapped up in your search engine optimization efforts that you forget about all the other things about running a website that are important - including making your website easy to use!

In making your website easy to use, the first thing you should focus on is providing an easy way for your readers to share your site with others; when you include links throughout your site that make it easy for people to share content through such areas as Twitter, Digg, Google Plus, and facebook, you will increase the backlinks you create, and will increase the traffic that comes your way as well!

As you attempt to make your website easy to use, the next thing that will be important for you to focus on is making it easy for people to navigate your site; include a search bar on your site that enables people to search for specific content on your site, and categorize your posts in such a way that it will be easy for visitors to seek out something specific.

And perhaps the most important thing of all you can do in making your website "easy" for users is for you to make it easy for your visitors to get lost in your site; when you include plenty of links within the content of each post you write, readers will click on these links, and continue sinking deeper and deeper into your site! And it just about goes without saying that the deeper a reader goes into your site (and the more time they spend on your site), the more likely they are to return to your site again and again - and to bring others with them as well!

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