
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

How To Deal With An Abrasive Boss

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A lot of different approaches can be taken at work by a lot of different bosses – and of course, each boss is probably taking the approach that they feel most comfortable with, or that they feel is most effective; but even when you realize that an abrasive boss is acting the way they act because they feel more “comfortable” with this, or feel this is “most effective,” this does not make it any easier to deal with it! There are some things you can do when you are working for an abrasive boss, however – and as long as you follow these tips, it will make your work life a whole lot easier.


First off, it will be important for you to realize that you do not need to be a pushover in order to be cordial; continue to treat your boss with the same level of respect and courtesy you would a boss who treats you with respect and courtesy, but do not allow yourself to get “bullied” by them or the approach they are taking with you.

One thing abrasive bosses generally think is that their abrasiveness will make emplyees think they have to please them, but it is important – as an employee working for such a boss – that you keep in mind the fact that you are the person you should be trying to please; you should always feel like you are working hard, and like you are doing the best job possible, and as long as you feel this way, it will not matter how your boss feels!

And of course, it will be important for you to recognize that nothing is making you "have to" put up with the way this boss is treating you; you can always look for another job – one where your boss treats you with respect.

When you go into work with an abrasive boss in this manner – being polite without being a pushover, working to feel good about your performance instead of to impress your boss, and realizing that you can always look for another job – it will be much easier to be productive at work (and even to enjoy work!) in spite of having an abrasive boss.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Tips For Designing Your Business Card

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If you want to promote yourself and your business to potential customers, one of the best things you can use is a business card.

Whenever the opportunity strikes, you will be able to hand out your business card if you have one handy to give. But even though a business card can be a great tool, it can also be completely pointless if you do not know how to design your business card effectively. Your business card should do more than just list a name and a phone number; it should also create an urge to call!

Keep in mind the fact that those who take your business card will not always rememer exactly who it was that gave it to them. In fact, it is not uncommon for people to end up with a pocket full of business cards every day! Not only should your business card clearly state who you are and how to reach you, but it should also clearly state what you do. You might have a company whose name does not make it clear what it does; if this is the case, make sure the card itself makes it perfectly clear!

You should also include your logo on the card, but make sure that the logo is not so intrusive that it takes over the whole card! The logo is an important element, but it should still only be one element of the card; put it in a place where it is noticeable, but is not the focal point.

It is worth spending a little bit of extra money to make sure your card looks professional, as a professional-looking card will inspire confidence. For instance: someone looking through a stack of business cards they have for plumbers is most likely to call the person whose card inspires the most confidence.

Your business card can do a lot to help your business, or it can do very little; in fact, it can even be a detriment! Make sure that your card is effectively designed, and make sure that you spend a bit of extra money to have a card that looks great!

Do Dilbert Cartoons Have Any Effect On Morale?

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Not only are you familiar with Dilbert as a member of the business world, but as a boss in the business world, you probably even think that Dilbert is sometimes funny. After all, it is not as if any of these cartoons are poking fun at you, right? But then again, this firm self-assuredness can quickly evaporate when you start seeing Dilbert strips tacked up on cubicle walls. Of course, at first, it feels like you are just being overly paranoid to think that a cartoon strip could have any effect on the morale of your employees, but it is also difficult to shed from your mind those articles that talked about how Dilbert actually can have a negative effect on employees. And so you are forced to ask the question for yourself: Are Dilbert cartoons bad for the morale of your employees?

Of course, we know that humor is good for morale, and this is an important consideration to keep in mind. Undoubtedly, the fact that these cartoon strips make your employees laugh is a sign in the right direction.

The issue, of course, is that many of these cartoons induce laughs by poking fun at corporate culture. And when you see a cartoon on someone's wall where the boss is made fun of, it is difficult to keep your mind from wandering to the question: Why did this employee post this particular cartoon on their wall? But the solution to the problem might be more complicated than just banning these comic strips. After all, this would likely do nothing more than further the sometimes rampant view among employees in corporate America that the hierarchy is out of touch.

Don't just order that all comic strips be taken down from office walls; instead, you ought to take the time to look at these comic strips yourself. The reason many of these strips are thought to be funny is because they make fun of the things that are wrong with corporate culture; if your employees think these strips are so funny, there is a chance that the problem does not lie with the comic strip itself. The problem might be with the way your company itself is run!

Many businesses actually have banned Dilbert from cubicle walls, which turns this into a serious discussion even if it seems trivial on the surface. Rather than following this path and alienating employees, take the introspective approach: make sure that you are not making the mistakes portrayed in the strips, and improve morale by improving the way you run your business!

Monday, September 07, 2015

Exploring SEO: Long-Tail Versus Short-Tail

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One thing that will be important when you are working on search engine optimization for your website will be that you make sure you are paying attention to all the little things that have to do with your keywords; of course, there are a lot of elements that go into the keywords you use - and into what will be positive and negative for your site - but one area especially worth paying attention to is that of "long-tail" and "short-tail" keywords.

Short-tail keywords are the keywords that websites target the most often, as these are the (often shorter) more common keywords that lots of people search each month; while "lots of searches" is certainly a good thing, one thing you should also realize is that - because of the fact that more sites use short-tail keywords - you will face more competition when you try to focus on a short-tail keyword on your site.

On the other hand, long-tail keywords are the (often longer) more specific keywords - the ones that focus on one aspect of a product or niche, rather than focusing on the niche as a whole - and while these keywords are not searched as often each month, they also do not face as much competition.

With these facts in mind, the question becomes whether you should focus on long-tail keywords on your site or on short-tail keywords - but the answer is not necessarily a simple one!

When it comes to short-tail keywords, the great thing is that you will bring huge amounts of traffic your way if you are able to get your site to the top page of search engine rankings, but in order to get your page there, you will need a lot of hard work and patience, whereas long-tail keywords will give you a much better chance of ranking highly, and you can even combine a number of long-tail keywords and generate just as many searches; if you have a "test" website you are willing to have patience with and experiment with, go with a short-tail keyword, but if you need results more quickly, realize that focusing on long-tail keywords can be a great approach!

Sunday, September 06, 2015

How To Overlook Bad Days At Work

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When the job you work at is relatively stressful at times, one thing that can be especially frustrating is those times when you experience a bad day at work, as this can not only ruin the rest of your day at work, but can also carry over into the rest of your day even after work ends. While there are plenty of people who have a tendency to allow a bad day at work to pull down the remainder of their day, there are others who have learned how to separate the frustration of a bad day at work from the tranquility they hope to experience throughout the rest of their day - and if you are trying to figure out how to overcome a bad day at work yourself, the great news is that it is really quite easy to do!

In order to overcome a bad day at work, the first thing you will want to do is put work completely out of mind during your drive (or commute) home; this can be more difficult than it sounds, of course, but when you make a concerted effort to do so - perhaps distracting yourself with music or the radio - you will soon find you are able to do this.

An evening at home after a long day of work will often consist of nothing more than some dinner and some television, but when you have experienced a bad day at work, you will want to make sure you are maximizing your evening; do something fun or memorable during the evening, and you will feel a lot better when it is time to wake up the next morning and head into work again.

And as far as "waking up the next morning and heading into work again" goes, you will want to do your best to "press the reset button" and start over as you enter into your new day. Put the difficulties of the previous day out of mind, and approach this new day of work as if it is going to be great - and as you approach the day in this manner, positive results are sure to follow!

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Exploring Ideas For Using PayPal On Your Website To Your Advantage

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There are a lot of ways to "monetize" your website, or to make money off of things you might not typically think about, such as through advertisements on your site and affiliations with such websites as Amazon, but there are also a number of ways for you to make money on your own, and with the existence of PayPal, it will be easy for you to set yourself up for collecting payments. If you have thought of trying to make a bit of extra money on your website, and if you are wanting to know how PayPal can help you do this, here are a few specific ideas you might want to keep in mind.

First off, PayPal is the preferred method of payment on eBay, but you do not need to sell things on eBay in order to accept payment through PayPal; consider setting up your website as its own "store" - and then, use this virtual storefront to sell the things you would normally sell on eBay.

Many people who have a pretty good-sized following on the internet have begun selling their products (the same products sold on other sites and in other stores) for a comparable price, but with an added incentive thrown in; for instance, author JM Tohline (as well as many other authors)sells signed copies of his novel through PayPal, which allows people to pay only two dollars more than they would normally pay for the book, while getting a signed copy!

Also, you should know that it can be useful to set up a "donate" button on your site, through which people can select how much they want to donate to you - doing so if they feel like they get a lot out of your website and want to pitch in.

By understanding how you can go about putting PayPal to use, you can start to make a lot more money off your products, your items, and your website - and best of all, you will no longer have to give such a big cut to third-party vendors!

Tips For Generating Traffic To Make Money Online

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If you are similar to most people, you are not exactly thrilled each day when you wake up and have to get out of bed to go to your job; it is not that you dislike working, either, of course - instead, it is simply that you are not all too fond of your job, and you wish that there were some way for you to quit this job and start working from home instead. If you have ever felt this way yourself, the good news is that it is completely possible for you to make good money from home with a website - as long as you know how to generate traffic.

Basically, when you examine a website that you are running, you should look very closely at "traffic" the same way you would look at currency in any other area of life - because, quite frankly, the more traffic you have, the more currency you will be able to generate.

Of course, the thing you need to do to generate traffic will be learning about and applying all the things that go into search engine optimization; after all, SEO will help you to climb to the top of search engine rankings pages, and this is the best way of all to attract new people to your site.

At the same time, however, there tends to be a good number of people who focus on search engine optimization on their website, and who still do not end up making any serious amount of money, and the reason for this is that these people are not taking the second step toward attracting traffic: going to where the people are! When you begin to become active on websites that are along the same lines as yours, and when you create a strong social media presence, you will be able to connect with a lot more readers than you have ever been able to connect with before - and will have a lot more traffic because of this!

After you have built a website, make sure you are focusing on traffic through SEO and through "going where the people are," and soon you will be living the life of your dreams - working from home with all the flexibility you have always wanted to have!

Friday, September 04, 2015

Reaching The Right Audience With Your Ads

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Now that the summer winding down and the school year is starting, this time of year is big for hosting parties; whether you are wanting to throw an end of summer party, a back-to-school party, or simply a “just because” party, it will be important that you know what you should do in order to plan for the party properly. It is actually very easy to plan for a party properly, but because of how easy it is, many people neglect to make sure they are taking the right steps – and they fail to do the simple things they should do in order to make their party a success.

Even though you might imagine that people will be standing for most of your party (walking around from group to group and mingling with one another), many people will also be sitting, so having places for people to sit – and making sure these places are both comfortable and well designed for conversation – will be important, as this will go a long way in making your party a success.

In addition to making sure there are places for everyone to sit at your party, you will also want to make sure that everyone has food to eat; you can take a few different approaches with this, as you can provide snack foods, make food with more substance, or have people simply bring food, but regardless of which approach you choose to take, making sure you have food at the party will be essential.

And having things to do at the party will also be a big part of ensuring the party's success; you do not need to plan out the party on a timeline, as it will be much better to simply “go with the flow,” but you also do not want a party in which there is a long lull in the action, so have things planned that everyone can do in case the party starts slowing down!

When you follow these tips, it will be very easy for you to not only host a party, but to host a party that is a great success!

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Closing A Sale

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One of the most frustrating things when you are working in sales (and if you are in business in just about any capacity, you are working in sales in at least a small way!) can be when you have done everything properly to elevate someone's interest in the product or service you are attempting to sell them, only to lose the sale in the end; if you want to maximize your success in business, you will need to know how to successfully close sales - and the good news is, this is actually not all that difficult, as long as you know a few simple things.

The first thing you need to realize is that it will be important that you speak about everything that is involved in the deal as though it is already done; this can take a bit of practice before you really get used to it, but once you are able to convince yourself that every deal is a "done deal," you will be able to talk to the prospective buyer in this manner - and will be able to "convince" them that it is a done deal as well.

In addition to "making the decision for them" in this way, you will also want to help them make the final decision on their own by keeping everything positive; it is too easy for people to see the potential negatives (no matter how random or unlikely these potential negatives might be!), and to shy away from making a purchase because of this, but when you continually use a positive approach, you will be able to instill this positive thinking in the mind of the person to whom you are talking.

And many salespeople are afraid to push the prospective buyer at the end, and because of this, the sale ends up being lost. It is no secret to the person you are talking to that you are trying to make a sale - and that you want them to purchase whatever it is you are selling - so be willing to go all-out in your efforts to make this sale, pushing the person you are talking to and trying to get them to make that final decision that, in the long run, will make both of you happy!

Taking A Look At Things To Remember When Writing A Press Release

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When you are writing a press release for your business, it will be important that you make sure you are taking the proper steps; after all, a press release can certainly be a valuable tool for your business, but if you are not writing your press releases properly, they will actually be nothing more than a big waste of time.

When putting together a press release, it will be important for you to keep in mind the fact that most people do not want to spend a whole lot of time "getting to the point" when reading something; because of this, it is important that you use the first paragraph of your press release to "summarize" the press release (the way you would normally summarize a piece of writing at the end), so that readers know everything they are about to be reading, before they even read it!

Once you have used the first paragraph to summarize the press release, you can use the next few paragraphs to expound on the things you summarized - making sure that you are sticking to the point while focusing on creating interest throughout, always with the primary goal of "engaging the reader" at the front of your writing efforts.

Finally, you will want to wrap up your press release nicely and properly; if you have followed the first two steps correctly, you will still have people reading at the end of your press release, and you can create a call to action by providing positive information about your business, along with contact info (including your website URL, so readers can follow this to your site!).

When you take these steps in writing your press releases, you will ensure great results - with lots of people reading your press release, and lots of people coming your way as a result - instead of ending up with a press release that turns out to be nothing more than a great big waste of time!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Do I Need An Advanced Degree In Business?

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With how competitive the business landscape is these days - and with the fact that there are fewer jobs out there than there used to be - many people are finding that it is practically necessary to have a degree in order to find a job, but a lot of people are also discovering that they not only need a degree, but they need an advanced degree in order to land the job they want; while an advanced degree can certainly come in handy, however, it will also cost another couple years and several thousand more dollars - and because of this, it will be important that you understand whether an advanced degree is the right choice for you.

You should realize that much of your training for any job will come at the job itself, meaning that much of what you learn in college - both in graduate and undergraduate studies - can be thrown out as soon as you get hired; for the most part, your formal studies will give you a foundation of knowledge and information that will help you in your career, and they will give you that all-important degree, but what they will rarely give you is the tools you will need for the job itself.

If you are wanting to someday work as a manager at a large corporation, there is a good chance that the time and money you spend earning an advanced degree will be well worth it, as you will greatly increase your chances of getting one such job.

But plenty of people continue on in their schooling beyond their undergraduate studies, in spite of the fact that their desire is to one day start a successful business of their own; if you have thought that you want to start your own business after school, you should realize that going further into debt (and spending more time) to earn that graduate degree will probably not help you much at all!

The question of whether or not an advanced degree in business is right for you cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no," as the answer is different for each person; once you figure out what you hope to do after college, you will be better equipped to determine whether you need an advanced degree - and then, you can begin chasing these goals you have!

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Meeting Your Sales Quota For The Year

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It can be difficult at times to work in sales, as you will not only have to do a good job selling your product to customers, but there is also a good chance you will be under pressure to reach certain performance quotas for your company - as far as how much (and how quickly, and how efficiently, and even how profitably!) you are selling; of course, sales quotas are simply part of working in sales, but if you are wanting to eliminate some of the stress of working in sales and trying to reach your quotas, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

First of all, you should try to always think of your quota as something that is supposed to be hit in half the time of what is actually supposed to be hit; for instance, if you are supposed to reach a certain sales goal in a year, you should make it your goal to try and reach that sales goal in six months instead, as doing this will set higher goals for you than simply what the company is giving you, and even though you may end up falling short of these personal goals you have set, they are likely to still help you reach the quota assigned by the company long before the set date!

Plenty of people tend to get overwhelmed when it comes to sales because they look at the big picture of the sales numbers they are supposed to hit, which can seem like an insurmountable task, but a better way to look at the sales numbers you are trying to hit is on a day-to-day basis; this does not even mean that you should assign yourself a certain number of sales you should try to hit each day, as anyone who has ever worked in sales knows that your sales will fluctuate from each day, but it simply means you should narrow your focus to "taking care of what you can take care of each day."

And lastly, you should realize that you are likely to get ahead of schedule when you incorporate these two approaches into your sales work, and as you get ahead of schedule, it will be easy for complacency to set in. Guard against complacency by always expanding your goals, pushing yourself to accomplish more and more in sales than you were aiming to accomplish before!