
Friday, May 01, 2015

Conducting Effective Giveaways

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Conducting giveaways is one of the best ways to start gaining extra customers for your business, as this is an excellent way to sacrifice a little bit of inventory (or time) in order to gain a lot of exposure; before you conduct a giveaway, however, you need to make sure you are going about it the right way.

One mistake a lot of businesses make when conducting a giveaway is that they give away something that is "convenient" or "easy" for them to give away, but that is not necessarily something that any of their customers want; rather than giving away an item that most customers might themselves see as a "giveaway" item, you should give away something your consumers will actually desire, as this will help the contest become a success.

A giveaway should always involve participation from your customers (and prospective customers) in some way, but this does not mean that you need to make their participation difficult or an "obstacle"; instead, you can turn their participation into something that is fun and easy, as more people will participate if this is the case.

The most important aspect of a giveaway is getting people to help spread the word, and because of the fact that people are busy with all the things going in in their own lives, it is sometime difficult to get people to take this step and help out. The best way to get people to help you spread the word about the contest far and wide is to incentivize the "spread the word" aspect; one way to incentivize this aspect is by having a separate giveaway that each customer is entered into when they spread the word about the first giveaway on such social media sites as Twitter and facebook.

You will be able to draw scores of new customers you way when you run a contest in this manner, and the only money you will need to spend on this form of advertising is the loss of a small amount of your inventory or time - which is a tradeoff that is definitely well worth it!

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